Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have conceived a political advocacy which I have termed as political abrogationism. Political abrogationism is merely advocating the abolition of all types of dictatorships, monarchist reigns and despotic regimes all over this globe through peaceful and lawful means. Political abrogationism also preaches that every culture, nation and social organization in this world should be democratized through peaceful and lawful means. I made this advocacy primarily because I believe that the wise citizens of this planet should always be ready to defend the reality that democracy, responsible freedoms and human rights are natural and universal for the humanity of this globe. I also believe that using non-violent means to reform social conditions is the correct and righteous way of doing revolutionary actions. In other words, I believe in the righteousness of transforming a society through peaceful and lawful means.

With that belief, I'm wishing that every social organization, including private firms and families, should openly embrace democracy to the fullest level. I see the advocacy of democracy and human rights in the world as merely reflecting the spiritual consciousness of possessing individuality and, at the same time, having true harmony with nature, universe, and the Kingdom of God. I believe in such perspective because of the fact that advocating democracy and human rights in the world is the same as promoting the individual integrity and goodness of every human being in the globe. Such also promotes the reality that an individual being on this planet needs to harmonize with the goodness of the whole universe.

I also believe that democracy was the very first socio-political system of the very first human communities on this planet before the monarchists and tyrants started dominating the ancient world. This is because of the fact that I know that the love for human rights, responsible freedoms, and civil liberties is truly-inherent in every human heart and mind. The illusion of gaining excessive power in a society is the main culprit in trying to extinguish the love for human rights, responsible freedoms, and civil liberties in this globe of ours. But if a human being will just meditate with and upon nature, he or she will realize that the love for human rights, responsible freedoms, and civil liberties is natural and universal for the whole humanity of this globe. It's no wonder that the revival for the advocacy of wanting to create a democratic republic in the ancient world started among the meditating monks in several Nepalese villages during the B.C.E. period. And, surprisingly, the Asians among the ancient Nepalese- from around 500 to 300 BCE- were the first to set up democratic republics in the civilized world. The white peoples of Nepal and the Indian sub-continent later copied the system of having a democratic republic in the ancient world. Such idea was later brought to ancient Greece and, after that, ancient Rome. During that period the then pioneers of Buddhism, including Gautama Siddharta (the Buddha) himself, helped in spreading and advancing the ideas and ideals of a democratic republic in the ancient world.

Again, I have to say that the desire of wanting to have a democracy is natural and universal for the humanity of this globe. And such desire will always flourish in every culture, nation and social organization in this globe of ours.

Political abrogationism merely reflects such desire of wanting to protect or have democracy among the humanity of this globe. I believe that this advocacy is merely accepting the goodness of the universe. Amen.